Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Best Time Of The Day


I have never been a morning person. It's not natural to me to wake up bright and shiny ready and rearing to go. In fact I set my alarm about 40 minutes before I have to leave because I'm prone to hitting the snooze serveral times. Where I don't drink coffee or have any of those perks in the morning, my day generally starts with a foggy head. I read once that eating an apple and drinking water will wake you up better than coffee, but the last thing I want when I wake up is food or liquid. It churns my stomach, always has. Anyway, I only live about a mile from work and since I started at Artbeat in May I've done my best to get a good nights rest so I can wake up in time to walk to work. Mind you this doesn't happen everyday but at least a couple days a week I trek my happy bum out to the bright and busy world.
As much as I mumble and grumble inside my house the instant I open my door to begin my walk, this burst of fresh air hits me and pow I'm good to go. That doesn't mean I'm not tired about an hour into work when I'm standing next to a very warm dryer and doing the same movements over and over again. But for that first 20 minutes of my day I feel energized and refreshed. I wish I could hang on to that feeling. So much of our lives consist of activities that drag us down or make us feel heavy with stress.
I notice a lot of little things in the morning. The squish of the wet grass, the slap of my feet on the sidewalk, the same two elderly people walking the same two poodles everyday. It's not that I mean to overlook these (for the most part) unimportant events of the day, but it's nice to have that time set aside to reflect a little bit. It's my me time I suppose. I don't think about my messy house, or my work day ahead of me, or the mile long list of errands I make each day. It's my time to breathe and I love it.
I hope all of you find your time of day to just breathe. It's pretty awesome. :0)
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1 comment:

  1. I loved the pictures of your family! I wish I knew them better! Thanks for hanging out with us on Friday and Saturday--you are too fun! We should do something again soon with the gals!
