The concept of keeping a blog is nothing new and yet it seems to have taken us a long time to get on board. I think the official decision was made after speaking with our caseworker for LDSFS yesterday, we somehow wanted to put ourselves out there, and share our experiences in life.
As a bit of backround we have been married for over 3 years now. We love to travel, laugh, and basically have a good time. It may seem cliche but we are really best friends and share in just about everything.
For over 2 years now we have been trying to expand our family with no success. We haven't done any fertility treatments yet because of finances, as well as a feeling to keep trying on our own. For a long while we suspected H was the main reason for the lack of pregnancy. Lo and behold after a laparoscopy this year the doctors found endometriosis as well as a few other not fun things going on in H's body. Now that it's taken care of we have a renewed hope of getting pregnant but after much prayer and fasting we felt we needed to also pursue other avenues of having children. Enter LDSFS! :0) We are now in the vary early stages of applying for adoption. There are so many ways to become a parent and we are excited with either prospect.
Our lives do not focus only on our current childless status however! :0) We are both going back to college in the fall and that is an adventure unto itself. C will be studying Computer Science with an emphasis on Web Development. H is going to get her groove back and relearn how to learn. She is focusing on humanities but hasn't quite decided what specific major she's going for.
C is also kept busy right now by his job at Artbeat, Inc. It's a family owned screen printing, graphic design, and embroidery business. Early this year C transferred to the front and left production to pursue sales and marketing. He also designs and does upkeep for the company's website. As of late he has also been helping with small art projects and is constantly learning new techniques and skills that help the business. Although it can be stressful at times, C often feels rewarded and content in his current place.
H helps her and there at Artbeat too but after her surgery in March she hasn't done much more than gain a few pounds on her backside! haha Not to fear however, pilates to the rescue! She has been enjoying her new found freedom from pain! It's crazy how sometimes you never know how bad you feel until you don't feel bad anymore. In the next week or so however she does plan to go back to work and lose that bit of extra going on.
We hope to write on her no less than once a week and both of us plan to share and contribute our thoughts. So until next time!