Let me just start with, my husband is awesome! All day on my birthday he spoiled me like crazy! Cooked me breakfast, refused to let me help clean up, and gave me some very cute, sweet, and needful gifts for my birthday. Then it was his turn and I hope I sufficiently spoiled him as well. I also made him breakfast and for dinner we went out to eat with a gift card that someone gave him as a gift, (which really when I think about it was more of a gift to me because I didn't have to cook!)
With our birthdays being only a day apart sometimes its a little nutso during the last week of November. But I honestly love it! Even when he teases me on my birthday that I'm technically 2 years older than him, (by number only) and calls me a cougar for marrying a younger man, I still like it. We don't mean to but we usually combine our days into two longs happy birthdays which is kind of nice. We each get spoiled a little longer.
Thanksgiving was great as well this year! I wish my parents didn't live so far away but we went to my in-laws and my grandparents came over and I think it was a really fun mellow night. We're a very laid back clan and that's how we like it.
I am a little surprised because it feels like my birthday and Thanksgiving were ages ago when really it was just a few days. Hello December! Wowsa! And then it will be a new year! It's so exciting! This December will bring a few very needed changes into our lives. I'm so excited to move, even if it is right before my finals! The new place will be wonderful and what's even better is my parents are coming up for Christmas this year! And for the first time we'll have the space for them to stay with us. Usually they stay with my gram and that's fine but sometimes it's nice to play hostess every once and a while too. I'm even more grateful that they are able to come up because my father had a bit of a health scare a little while ago and I hate not being able to do anything because I live so far away. I wish there was a happy medium. I miss my family so much and although I love my in-laws like no other it's still sad to me when those things happen and I'm way out here. I wish we all could live in the same place but that's just not going to happen. lol Oh well, hazards of being an adult I suppose.
Our final weeks of school are going to got well I think. How is it almost over? I feel like I've barely started school and already I need to be tested on everything I learned this semester. It's a bit intimidating. I will be happen for a break where I will just work and spend time doing Christmas things.
Well speaking of work, I have a paper that just refuses to write itself and so I need to get on that. Love to all!
Dog Eared Page: The Country of Marriage
7 years ago