Thursday, September 30, 2010


So I haven't been super diligent in exercising yet, but I have managed to lose a few pounds steadily by watching what I put in my mouth. I have rarely given in to my usual indulgences and I'm very happy to say I'm close to breaking down into the next level of numbers. That makes me very happy. I realize that it isn't very spectacular what I've accomplished but I feel good about myself. And honestly losing those first few pounds has given me greater incentive to keep going. I'm no longer allowing myself excuses or pity parties. This is my body and I'm taking charge.
I had a few days that set me back a bit. Honestly the number would have been higher had it not been for a few very stress filled days. I am a stress eater like you wouldn't imagine! It's almost disturbing. But I am finding different ways to cope with the onslaught life likes to throw our way. I will continue to grow as a person, and shrink in size.
I know this post is very late. I was supposed to update about 2 weeks ago but as the above stated life got pretty hectic. I will work on being more diligent in posting. Not because you all are so thrilled at reading about my weight loss goal but because it DOES give me some accountability to know I will be posting this for my friends and who knows who else to read. It would be slightly embarrassing if I was suddenly like, "welp, gave up. to hard, I've decided to stay unhealthy." then loved ones would be like "no you can do it! keep it up!" and I'd feel guilty and ashamed. Haha. So I guess I will just post it from the get go.
Love to all!

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