Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas From the Blamires Duo

This is the first year since Casey and I have been together, (and come to think of it since I was about 18) that I haven't sent a single Christmas Card to anyone. I mean, I haven't even sent one to my parents... Wow that makes me feel terrible. My reasons are not Scrooge or Grinch related (although plenty of that has gone around this season) but rather I had no time or energy. Seriously. That's it. And by the time I had time or energy it dawned on me that it's Christmas Eve. Yikes! 
So I guess this is my Christmas Card this year. 

Casey and Heather have had an exciting year. It was filled with a lot of firsts.
Heather got her first stamp on her passport. She hopes to have many more in future years. It was an exciting moment for her. 

We welcomed both a new nephew in January, and a darling new niece in November. Wow! that makes 5 on Casey's side and 3 on Heather's! We love being Uncle Casey and Aunt Heather!!!! 

Heather went whitewater rafting for the first time and fell out of the boat. 
It's hilarious now......See older posts for details. 

Casey tried sushi for the first time and LOVED it.

Both attended school this fall. 
Once again Casey did very well in all his classes. We don't have the final grades yet but he was pretty confident that things went really well. He also really enjoyed tutoring in the Spanish lab. It helps not only the other students but him to continually practice and keep up that second language. He is sort of toying with the idea of a teaching degree because he loves helping people learn a language he loves so much. But first he says he has to survive the degree he is pursuing at this time.  

Heather completed her phlebotomy course and is now a certified phlebotomist. No job prospects yet which makes her nervous but patience and prayer will no doubt help. She loved what she learned and working in her clinical settings. She is toying with the idea of continuing on in the medical path and completing the EMT Basic course. Right now however she is just grateful to be done with this class. It was kind of intense for her. 


Our furry family members are doing great as well!


Our oldest boy is doing great. His teeth haven't been bothering him very much which is wonderful. We can't believe in  February he will be 3! He is still the Alpha cat and loves to take care of his younger siblings and takes his job of keeping watch over the house very seriously.  He has such wise eyes and he is always there to make us feel better. 


Our sweet boy is just that, SWEET. He is always ready for a cuddle or a belly rub. He still tends to get into mischief but that is his personality and we wouldn't want him any different. He has been having problems with his ears the last couple months and we hope that that can get cleared up soon. Medicine hasn't helped. We think he may have some allergies, poor fella.  But even when he isn't feeling well he has such a loving demeanor. 


Our youngest kitty is almost 9 months! She is still very much a kitten too.  Her favorite things to play with are boxes and bags. Right now she is in sort of her "tween" stage which means she is establishing her independence and doesn't want to be held very long. She loves chasing her older siblings and thinks the Christmas tree is the most fascinating thing ever. She's still very small and will probably always be because of her hard start at life but she is very spunky. 


Our newest and most mysterious kitty is adjusting well. She purrs more and is getting more comfortable at being held. She even snuggles every once and a while. She and Blitzen still are bumping heads over who will be top cat at times. But she is learning to play more and more with Cuzco and Izzy. She still misses the outside at times but also seems to really enjoy the warm and cozy comforts of being an indoor cat. 

This year has had a lot of ups and downs and we as a couple have really had to rely on each other for strength and sanity. But looking back we can see all the many blessings we have enjoyed. We know for sure the love of the Lord and the love of our families. We are grateful for those joys that have come into our lives. They greatly outweigh the sorrows. That is our hope for all of you as well.

Have a Wonderfully Merry Christmas and a Very Blessed New Year!!!!

The Gift of Love. The Gift of Peace. The Gift of Happiness.
May all of these be yours this Christmas. 
The Blamires Duo

1 comment:

  1. I love your Christmas "card"! We love you and wish you a Merry Christmas!
