So lately it seems every post on here is either about A.) Blood, blood donations, blood banking, working at a blood bank, etc. or B.) My cats....
Wow, I mean that is super exciting! lol
Honestly nothing more has happened lately. Today at the blood bank I did my first draw on a donor. Complete success! Hooray for all!!! It's nerve wracking, not because I'm nervous to poke someone with a needle but there are so many more steps to it. Someone asked me today outside work, what's the difference? I like to say they are two different animals. Clinical phlebotomy (what I learned in school) is a lion. Blood donation phlebotomy (what I'm working in now) is a tiger. Both are awesome but now I'm adjusting to having stripes. Each day I work here I love it more and more. It's a positive atmosphere with people who encourage you to have success. For someone of my mind frame that is huge.
Nothing else new with the cats either...Two of them went to the vet today for routine checkups, teeth cleaning, so on, the other two will go next month.
So what to talk about? Father's Day was nice. I got to talk to my dad quickly before he went off to bed. We also got to have dinner at my in laws and spend time with my father in law. I had a thought that evening of how blessed I have been in my life to have men of honor, integrity, humor, strength, and love be a part of it. Not only my own dad and my FIL, but for other men such as my so called adopted dad Greg, my Uncles Gene and Don, my Godfather Jock, Gramps, and my wonderful Uncle Albert. So many amazing men have shown me what a real man is in different ways. I get to add to that list my loving husband. Although we haven't had the joy of children yet enter our lives he constantly exemplifies what I want in the father of my children. And he pushes me to be the type of woman I want/need to be. It's a wonderful blessing.
Well that's about it. Sorry for the short post but I just wanted to give a quick update. We have been very blessed as of late but nothing really has changed that needs reporting. To any who read this, thank you and I love you. Til next time!
Dog Eared Page: The Country of Marriage
7 years ago