So our weather here has been kookoo bananas. Insanely hot. Where we work though it gets even worse. I stand in a spot that is between a flash, (a machine that sort of cures the ink on a shirt so you can put MORE ink on it,) that is about 350 degrees, and a dryer, (the final machine that cures the ink on a shirt) that is about 400 degrees. So when the weather is 100+ degrees outside and there is not much ventilation in the shop, lets just say it is almost unbearable. Water is amazing to drink by the way but usually after work I need an icy shower!
There is a bright side to this however, because it is so hot I don't have much of an apatite until much later in the day. And THEN I get to enjoy amazing things like this:
Oh the joy and justification!!!! Gotta love summer! I read somewhere that "you can't buy happiness but you CAN buy ice cream, and that's sort of the same thing." Oh yeah, that is my new mantra in life! lol